Keep your website dynamic with an efficient Content Management System (CMS)
In today’s world your company website is the face of your organization. It is the one-source stop where potential stakeholders, customers and the general public can find the most credible information about you. To present your best face, you need content that is credible and gives your company the visibility and mileage that it needs to survive.
It’s much more than a search-engine ranking!
Many companies spend hundreds of dollars to get their website ‘ranked’ by search engines. But the real experts know that there’s one simple key to a search engine rank—dynamic content. Well-written content updated in a consistent and timely manner can get your company to stand out from the competition around.
A smart content management system (CMS) allows you to do just that. Rather than employing a full-time webmaster to manually manage your content, a powerful CMS tool can save you time, effort and money!
Elyot’s CMS Solutions
Streamline your publishing process with Elyot’s open source content management system. Many open source CMS applications can be downloaded for free. Elyot’s CMS package however helps you get optimum results by customizing the software to meet your specific goals and requirements. Now, even non-technical people can upload content at just the click of a button!
We can help by integrating our web content management system to your website or by developing it from scratch for you.
CMS Customization: Elyot Technologies has expertise in developing customized web based CMS solutions using Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, Mambo and several other applications. For each of these CMS applications, we assume end-to-end deployment and customization. With our rich experience with clients from different industries, we completely understand the pros and cons of the popular open source CMS technologies and can suggest the perfect one for your working environment.
CMS Development: Whether you want your own CMS solution for your entire website or for specific portions like blogs, forums, RSS, etc., we can help. Using technologies like Apache, Linux, MySQL and PHP we help you develop stable, customized, and flexible CMS solutions.
Our CMS Services
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Mambo
- Wordpress